


  1. 波函数:波函数的统计解释、薛定谔方程、 定态薛定谔方程。

  2. 一维定态问题。

  3. 算符运算: 厄米算符、本征函数、表象变换、守恒量、波包的运动、全同粒子。

  4. 中心力场。

  5. 粒子在电磁场中的运动。

  6. 自旋: 单电子自旋、自旋与轨道角动量、自旋单态与三重态。

  7. 定态近似方法: 非简并微扰、简并微扰。

  8. 量子跃迁及含时微扰。

  1. 质点运动学:质点的位置、速度和加速度矢量、自然坐标系、极坐标系。

  2. 质点的牛顿运动定律:牛顿定律的应用、动量定理、质心系动量定理、动量守恒定律。

  3. 动能和势能:变力做功、质点和质点系动能定理、保守力、功能原理和机械能守恒。

  4. 角动量:质点的角动量、质点系的角动量定量及角动量守恒。

  5. 刚体力学:刚体的转动惯量、刚体定轴转动的动能定理、刚体的平面运动的动力学。

  6. 振动:简谐运动的力学特征、简谐运动的运动学、判断简谐振动并计算振动周期、简谐运动的合成。

  1. 平衡态与温度:平衡态概念与判据、温度概念、温标、理想气体微观模型、状态方程、压强公式和温度公式。

  2. 内能:热力学第一定律与内能、能量均分定理、循环、热机效率与制冷系数。

  3. 熵:热力学第二定律与宏观熵、熵的微观意义。

  4. 分子动理学:麦克斯韦速度分布律和速率分布律、平均自由程。

  5. 物态与相变:液体表面张力、相变的基本概念与相平衡条件、克拉珀龙方程。

  1. 静电场:有介质时的静电场、有导体时的静电场、电势、高斯定理、环路定理、静电平衡、电容器、静电能、介质极化。

  2. 恒定电流和电路:欧姆定律、电源和电动势、基尔霍夫方程组。

  3. 磁场:毕奥-萨伐尔定律、磁场的高斯定理与环路定理、带电粒子在电磁场中的运动、磁场对载流导体的作用、磁矩、磁化、磁路、磁场的能量与能量密度。

  4. 电场感应:电磁感应定律、动生电动势、感生电动势、感生电场、自感与互感、磁能。

  5. 时变电磁场和电磁波:位移电流、麦克斯韦方程组、电磁场的能量密度和能流密度。

  1. 复试内容:含外语口试(自我介绍、个人综合情况等)和专业知识问答。

  2. 复试满分值为300分,复试总分低于180分为复试不合格。

  3. 总成绩=初试总分+复试总分。





Part A

Dear Jane,

  I'm so glad to hear from you. You told me in your letter that you loved to watch inspirational movies, so I'm writing to recommend my favorite movie---The Devil Wears Prada.

  I love it for two reasons. To begin with , it explores the theme of growth and self-discovery, which could easily strike a chord with us. The aspirant heroine undergoes and "ugly duckling-swan" phase in workplace and finally returns to her initial ideal, inspiring us to be true to ourselves. In addition, the glamour of fashion industry also adds appeal to the film.

  Hope you enjoy the movie and look forward to your reply.

Yours truly,

Li Ming

Part A

  In the picture, two tourists, enjoying a delightful boat trip on the lake, are dropping litter recklessly into the lake. And the lake has already been littered with a clutter of garbage. Just as the caption "What's 'left' after the Travel" implies, the cartoon is a critism of tourists with uncivil conducts that lead to environmental damage.

  What's reflected in the picture is troubling many scenicspots today. Such behavior comes primarily from tourists' lack of environmental awareness, thinking of just casually littering garbage as no big deal. They regard themselves merely as passers-by, who need not assume the responsibility of protecting the environment of the scenic spots. However, if everyone lacked environmental awareneww, standing by and seeing environment hurt, the beautiful spots,even our whole country, would be swallowed up by rubbish one day.

  To avoid this kind of tragedy, the whole society should take actions to protect our home. For one thing , everyone should realize the importance of protecting the environment and start small by no littering at will. For another, relevant authorities shoud establish sound and efficient laws and regulations on environmental protection, supervise effectively and punish law breakers severely.


Part A

My dear friends,

  I'd like to extend the warmest welcome to all the overseas students on behalf of the Students' Union !

   I'd like to offer several suggestions to facilitate your stay in China. Firstly, to overcome language barriers, I suggest that you study and practice Chinese diligently. Secondly, to cope with culture shock, it is advisable to get acquainted with Chinese culture and customs through making Chinese friends or from books. Besides, you can also make use of various learning resources boasted by our library.

  I hope my suggestions would be helpful and wish all of you a fulfilling college life here

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

Part B

  As is shown in the picture, two men react in distinctly different manners when they see a bottle get tipped over and half of the water spill. Wearing a gloomy look, one man covers his forehead and curses his luck, lamenting, "it's all gone!" while the other smiles and reaches for the borrle, saying, "Luckily there's still some left."

  This portrayal reveals that in adverse situations, being optimistic or being pessimistic directs people towards opposite paths. Just as Alexander Bell puts it:" When one door closes , another opens ; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us." When obstacles confront us, asuming the worst spells more failures, while interpreting them in a poaitive light always spurs us to look for a silver lining and concentrate upon addressing problems.

  Therefore, optimism is of great significance in our work and life. When adversity strikes , instead of being blinded by pessimism, we should learn to examine it with a comprehensive perspective so as to break free of despair and discover hope.


Part A

Dear Mr. Smith,

  On behalf of the students' union, I'm writing to invite you to judge our English speech competition on April 28th at the auditorium. Competitors are required to first give a prepared speech on how to live productively and then answer 5 randomly-picked questions. You are expected to score and comment on their performance.

  You, and academic elite and native English speaker , are a godilike figure in English learners' eyes , so your presence in the competition as a judge is very significant to us.

  We will feel greatly honored to have you there and appreciate it if you could reply to our invitation at your earliest convenience.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

Part B

  In the above picture, a flock of graduates are stopped by a four-direction fork. The direction symbolize four life choices after graduation, namely seeking employment, taking the postgraduate entrance exam, going abroad for further study and starting a business.

  Understandably, university graduates are facing an uncertain future and hesitant to make a choice out of a variety of possibilities. However, this picture does not imply so much the dilemma n which graduates are caught as the encouragingly unprecedented life possibilities. It seems true that today's university graduates are under greater employment pressure. This uncomfortable situation can not obscure the fact---compared with their parents and grandparents , current graduates are given considerable freedom to dream and fulfill their dreams. They can , with little social restraint , expand knowledge , broaden personal experience and choose careers they are interested in.

  The life of today's university graduates is full of promise. However , most graduates don't realize and accept it. Some repeatedly complain about difficulties. These people ignore their potential to change themselves and their life. Actually, all desired life goals can be achieved through diligence and persistence. Therefore, university graduates are encouraged to follow their interest and advance bravely along their chosen life paths.


Part A

Dear Sir,

  I'm writing to express my humble opinions about physical health problem among college students. Students' deteriorating physical condition has become a burning issue. A recent report mentions that there are stunningly 6000 medical treatments for 3500 sutdents in one new students' military training. The root of the problem , I think ,lies in the bias towards scores. The evaluation system based mainly on scores directs students' attention to book learning and generates little motivation for physical exercises.

  Exam-driven system is the major barrier to health improvement and should be reformed. Meanwhile, opportunities for students to exercise should be provided.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

Part B

  The photo on the left was taken 30 years ago,which shows a young mother holding her daughter's hand. By contrast , the recent photo shows the grown-up daughter supporting her aged mother. Scences have changed; but what remains unchanged is their sweet and satisfied smile.

  The two photos reflect deep love between mother and daughter , bringing a relief to frequently reported stay-at-home children and elder mistreatment cases. As the pursuit of comfort become a fashion, many young adults influenced become irresponsible parents or unfilial children. Some leave their children at hometown where living cost is lower and their parents will help with child-raising. They intentionally or unintentionally deny detrimental effects of the lack of parental involvement on their children. Some turn a blind eye to their responsibility towards their parents. They selfishly think taking care of parents will disturb their vibrant personal life and increase economic burden.

  These young people discard the most important element for happiness-the mutual love within family and unwisely get temporary comfort at the expense of long-term happiness. A person of wisdom should list experiencing family love at the top of his life's priorities.


Part A

Dear Friends,

  A book reading session will be hosted next week. For its efficiency and effect, I'd like to recommend a book.

  The book deserving prasie and attention is The Road Less Traveled. It is about how to be spiritually healty and has been a best seller of psychology category for nearly 30 years. The secret of life achievement the author listed stands the test of time and proves to be more meaningful in modern time when there are an increasing number of people suffering emotionally. It is definitely a highly informative and readable book.

  I hope you enjoy the book and share your opinions in the reading session.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

Part B

  Four friends get together to have a dinner. What's weird is that the four appear to be strangers to each other, not talking with friends seated beside but totally indulging in smart phones.

  The picture reveals a typical scene nowadays. Whenever people have a chance to relax, they will fish out phones to play for a while. It has been challenging or even impossible for many people to keep concentration on face-to-face communication. As the quality of emotional interaction between people suffer a dramatic deterioration,more and more people arrive at an approval that people should shut down mobile phones when being with friends or relatives. Unfortunately , it is only a theoretical opioion around the WeChat , a communication tool on the smart phone. Few people apply it into life.

  The smart phone is really the most controversial modern invention , bringing enjoyable relaxation and great convenience on the one hand and causing problematic phone addiction and consequent interpersonal isolation on the other hand. Rational attitude should be paid to the mobile phone. We should not squander the limited and precious time on a lifeless machine. Due importance should be attached to the contact in real life.


Part A


   To ensoure that students from overseas have a better knowledge of out library service, I'm writing to inform you of some information with regard to our university library.

   When you get enrolled at our university , you will receive a student ID, which allow you to enter the library. Our library houses a vast collection of books, journals, multi-media, audio-visual materials both at home and abroad, which accommodates the need of different users. Furthermore, we have computers available in the lobby for checking books you may need. The library opens on weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m . Please feel free to contact us if you need any help via library@xxxuniversity.edu.cn.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

Part B

   The above picture reveal two fathers' distinctly different parenting methods. In one picture, the father is urging his son to study hard while relaxing himself, with his eyes fixed on the TV. In the other picture, both the father and his son concentrate on their study. The caption under the cartoon reads: "It is better to set an example than merely make demands".

   What the above pictures intend to illustrate is that parents can better teach children by example than verbal instruction in their daily life. As an old saying goes, a good example is the best way of persuasion. There is no doubt that parents play a vital role in bringing up their children since they are the role models kids look to for guidance, espacially in their formative years. When it comes to instructing and influencing kids , action tends to speak louder than words.

   Therefore, in my opinion, it is parental duty for adults to set example for childern. Only when adults earnestly practice what they advocate can children follow their example. This way, children can also enjoy better family atmosphere and get better disciplined.


Part A

51. Directions:

You are write an email to James Cook, a newly-arrived Australian professor , recommending some tourist attractions in your city. Please give reasons for your recommendation.

You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the email. Use "Li Ming" instead.

Do not write the address.(10 points)


Dear Prof. Cook,

   Welcome to China! Knowing you love travel, I'd like to recommend some celebrated tourist attractions in Beijing.

   Firstly, I recommend the Palace Museum ,because it showcases lots of antiquities which offer a quick glimpse into China's extensive history. Moreover , if you ar interested in outdoor activities, I recommend the Great Wall , for the spectacular view of rolling mountains atop ancient beacon towers is worth seeing.Besides , there are unique cafes and galleries tucked away in old alleys, or Hutongs , Riding a bike along the quaint downtown after a whole-day teaching is an excellent way to experience charming Hutong culture.

  Hopefully my recommendations are helpfull.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

52. Directions:

   Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following pictures. In your essay , you should

  1. describe the pictures briefly
  2. interpret the meaning , and
  3. give your comments.

   You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points)


   In the left picture, a man says "What a great number of books I have!" , yet obviously he shows no intention of reading any of them. The man on the right, by contrast , is sitting at a desk with only a few books on it, and has a feasible reading plan: Finish reading 20 books this year.

  Through sharp contrast, the picture reveal the difference between "possessing" and "reading" books. For some people , books are nothing more than decorations. Their studies are gorgeously decorated and shelves full of books used not to read , but to satisfy their vanity. Totally differently, some people , fewer books though they have, regard books as spiritual food. For example , Lin Haiyin , a famous writer, has written that when she was young, she always went to a bookstore and read there in a secretive way for lack of money. It was the very thirst for knowledge that made her a writer with great achievements.

   Unread books won't help. We should read a single book carefully instead of merely collecting thousands of books. Furthermore, everything else should also be dealt with in a down-to-earth way. Only through continuing efforts can we advance steadily.


Part A

Dear Professors,

  It gives me great honor to invite all of you to attend the graduation ceremony, which will be held on June 20th, 2017 at the conference hall of our university.

  Considering that you have been foreign teachers for many years in our university and have accumulated rich experience for students' future development , wo would like to invite you to attend the graduation ceremony. You may give our students some directions or suggestions about how to find a job which is suitable for them and other relevant information.

  We hope that you would accept the invitation.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming

Part B

  As is vividly depicted in the simple but educational picture, there is a university student selecting the curriculum. Obviously, it is not difficult to find that he is hesitant to make his decision and isn't clear which courses are better for him. Because some courses are innovative but hard to learn while other courses ar much easier for students to acquire high scores. What the drawing subtly conveys is supposed to be given further analysis.

  Theoretically, several reasons may trigger the problem conveyed in the future, but for my part, the following two are of utmost importance. On the top of list is that some universities require students to achieve certain scores so they can acquire the graduation certificates. In order to graduate successfully, the may consider the courses that are easy to pass but tend to lack innovation and can't meet the demand of employment market. Also , the current job market becomes more and more competitive and requires job seekers who are innovative. So for the students desperate for a decent job ,it is difficult for them to make decisions when selecting courses.

  According to the analysis above, it is advisable for us to take steps to reverse this evil trend. Of all the steps, course arragement in school tends to funcion essentially.


Part A

Dear Friend,

  I am glad to receive your letter of May 20th, 2018, in which you asked information about "Aiding Rural Primary Schools" project. I am writing this letter to give a reply.

  Firstly, with respect to the basic requirements of volunteers, I would like to tell you that there is a chance that can be offered to international students and you are qualified for it. Secondly, since you want to prepare some activities to help students with their spoken English, I have enclosed a list about the detailed arrangement of the project.

  I hope that the above information can be helpful. And you could ask me at any time if there is other information you need.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming

Part B

  It is vividly depicted in the picture that two young men are climbing a mountain and want to climb over it. If we give it a closer watch, it is not difficult to find that they are exhausted. One man is sitting on the steps and saying: " I am too tired to contine." And the other man is encouraging his teammate with an idea that a short break helps a lot. What the drawing implies is supposed to be paid further attention.

  The picture reflects that whether for an individual or a team, the quality of persistence is of great importance when we are facing difficulties in our daily life. We all know the two stories that an iron pestle can be ground down to a needle and constant dripping wears away a stone. They both tell us that perseverance is indeed the fundamental requirement for success. For instance, Thomas Alva Edison, a great inventor of the United States, tried thousands of materials in developing the incandescent lamp, but all failed. Regardless of others' ridicule, Edison, rather than give up, adhered to do the research. Finally, he successfully developed the world's first electric light and brought light to the world. It is obvious that the quality of persistence plays a crucial role.

  As far as I am concerned, we ought to take efforts to develop and promote the fine quality. For my part, I will seize any chance to be persistent when encountering setbacks. Besides, I wil try to encourage my friends to bravely face the challenges and hardships. Only in this way we enjoy the ultimate success.


Part A


Dec. 21, 2019

  In order to enrich the campus life and provide the colorful life for you, the Students’ Union is preparing the upcoming singing contest, which will be held in the auditorium in our university on the evening of December 31, 2019. Now, the Union is recruiting contestants for this competition.

  Anyone who are fond of signing or interested in the competition, please send his or her application to students’ union @http://sohu.com before next Wednesday. Besides, there are generous awards in gratitude for this activity. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries concerning the singing contest. Meanwhile, volunteers for this activity are badly needed to assist us in organizing the relevant affairs.

   We are looking forward to your participation.

The Students' Union

Part B

  The picture, as well as the music, is a way to express people’s inner feeling. The following one is a typical one. As is vividly conveyed in the picture, before our eyes appears a young boy, wearing traditional Peking Opera clothes and saying some of his classmates don't think it interesting to learn Peking Opera, as if he feels disappointed when finding few people have the same hobby, with his father beside him saying that is enough if he likes.

  In fact, the real aim of the picture is to reveal a pervasive social problem; that is to say, we should pay attention to the inheritance of traditional culture. On the one hand, those who realize its importance would undoubtedly achieve the spiritual growth.On the other hand, it helps foster a climate of peace and harmony in the society, where positive energy is needed.

  Considering all the analyses above, we should bear in mind that both the public and the society are supposed to value this matter.For one thing, the public must raise the awareness ofthe inheritance of traditional culture.For another thing, the mass media, such as radio, television and internet, should make every effort to propagate and advocate cases of good examples.Only in this way can we makeour life more colorful and successful.


Part A

Dear John,

  How are you getting along these days ? I am very glad to hear that you are coming to China, and I would like to offer you several proposal on how to find a job in China.

  First and foremost, it is imperative for you to prepare a functional resume in Chinese. It would be beneficial if you resume could be specific and brief. Remember that "brevity is the best policy." For the sake of making a wonderful first impression, may I suggest you show your good personal statue. What's more , it is helpful for you to know that Chinese companies prefer employees with some hands-on experience.

  I hope that you will find my suggestions helpful. I wish you have good luck and make a great success in your future career.



Part B

  Emerging from the cartoon is an eye-catching scene that a frustrated boy, wearing a suit of opera costume, is complaining that his classmates do not like his show because they think it is too boring. His father , however , is encouraging his son to sitck to his interests. The author of the carton invites us to focus on a truth that we are not supposed to blindly follow or obey others' opinions but stick with yourself.

  This picture underscores the significant role that the being yourself plays in our daily life. In reality, sticking with yourself not only constantly facilities the healthy growth of our mindset, making it more likely for us to become winners in a particular field. If you are yourself at work, you will either thrive or wither, and if you wither chances are that you are in the wrong place to begin with. Thus, as long as you carry on doing what feels right, it will all turn out right.

  When it comes to being yourself, there can be a lot of pressure from the outside world as it tries to influence who you are. But please remember that you can do the right thing regardless of what others are dong. Be who you are, and never ever apologize for that !



成分名词 修饰作用 修饰对象 翻译要点
定语 限定名词,区别事物 名词 前置定语和后置定语的区分
状语 限定动词,说明发生状态,限定形容词,补充定语 谓语动词、非谓语动词、形容词 英语状语与汉语状语在句中的位置不同
同位语 等同于被修饰名词,起说明作用 名词 多数为从句


位置\成份 形容词 名词 代词 doing done to do 介词短语 从句
前置定语 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂 𐄂
后置定语 ✓(1) 𐄂 𐄂 ✓(2) ✓(2)

备注: 表示可以充当,𐄂 表示不可以充当 (1) 修饰不定代词时作后置定语; (2)有动作对象(逻辑宾语)时作后置定语。


位置\成份 副词 介词短语 dong done to to 从句


成分 主语 宾语 定语 状语
to do
done 𐄂 𐄂


作者 著作 内容简介
马克思 《德意志意识形态》 首次系统阐述历史唯物主义的基本观点
马克思/思格斯 《共产党宣言》 无产阶级政党的第一个党纲
马克思 《法兰西内战》 科学总结巴黎公社的历史经验和教训
马克思 《资本论》 系统阐述剩余价值学说
马克思 《哥达纲领批判》 进一步丰富了科学社会主义学说
思格斯 《反杜林论》 全面阐述马克思主义理论体系
思格斯 《家庭、私有制和国家起源》 关于古代社会发展规律和国家起源的著作,马克思主义国家学说的代表之一。
列宁 《论欧洲联邦口号》 列宁明确指出:“经济和政治发展的不平衡是资本主义的绝对规律。由此应得出结论:社会主义可能首先在少数甚至单独一个资本主义国家内获得胜利
列宁 《无产阶级革命的军事纲领》 资本主义的发展在各个国家是极不平衡的。而且在商品生产下也只能是这样。由此可以得出一个必然的结论:社会主义不能所有国家同时获得胜利,而其余的国家在一段时间内将仍然是资产阶级或资产阶级以前的国家